Import data from another platform to Vendy

Seller ToolKit

You can import all your data (e.g. CoGs, settings) from Seller ToolKit into Vendy using our import tool. You will be offered to do so during onboarding for your account.

Importing from Seller ToolKit involves providing credentials for your Seller ToolKit account so that we can pull the relevant data. Vendy will not make any changes to your Seller ToolKit account.

If you have finished onboarding, but want to import or re-import your Seller ToolKit data, please contact support.


We are currently working on integrating Sellerboard with our onboarding processes. If you are a Sellerboard user, and wish to import your data to Vendy, please contact support and we will do our best to help you.


Please contact support with any suggestions or requests for data import.